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Image by Soroush Karimi



Contacto: (918) 586-6000


Major to be Announced

Capt. Kimberly Lee

Kimberly Lee

Captain - Admin

8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Capt. Shane Tuell

Shane Tuell


2nd Shift: 6:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Capt. Steve Boyes

Steve Boyes


3rd Shift: 1:15 p.m.-11 p.m.


Virgil Litterell


4th Shift: 6:45 p.m.-3 a.m.



A map showing the Mingo Valley Division's coverage area


Desarrollado por primera vez en 2017, el programa de la Junta Asesora de la Comunidad tiene como objetivo promover la misión del Departamento de Policía de Tulsa de trabajar en asociación con nuestra comunidad para brindar un servicio de calidad, proteger la vida y la propiedad, prevenir el crimen y resolver problemas para que las personas puedan vivir sin miedo en un ambiente seguro. .

La Junta Asesora Comunitaria es un grupo voluntario de ciudadanos, dirigido por comandantes de división de patrulla y que representan diversos intereses, que viven o realizan negocios dentro de esa división de patrulla y se reúnen para brindar información y conocimientos mutuos para ayudar a guiar una vigilancia policial colaborativa efectiva._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cada división de patrulla, incluidas Gilcrease, Mingo Valley y Riverside, alberga un tablero. Cada mesa está integrada por cinco a diez ciudadanos que son seleccionados en coordinación con la Red de Prevención del Delito y aprobados por el Jefe de Policía.


John Payne

Josh Payne

Born and raised in Oklahoma City, Josh Payne has lived in Tulsa for most of the past 20 years. Josh and his wife Leslie are empty nesters with three adult children. They now spend most of their down time with their two goldendoodles, Walter and Lucy, or hiking, camping and fishing. Josh is a Project Manager for Sherwood Construction Co., based in Tulsa. Josh has managed some of the largest highway and bridge construction projects in Tulsa’s history, including the $90 million new interchange project at U.S. 75 and I-44. In his role at Sherwood, Josh has the opportunity to work with civic and business leaders, local landowners, and local and state law enforcement. Josh attended Northeastern State University in Tahlequah where he studied Industrial Operations Management and Engineering Design. Josh’s greatest passion is helping men who are seeking to overcome alcoholism and addiction. Josh is a long-time volunteer at the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in Tulsa. He has worked with thousands of men on their journeys towards changing their lives for the better. Josh has developed deep connections in the recovery community in Oklahoma, with many organizations and resources state-wide. Josh is a member of the Mingo Valley Division CAB. He is honored to have the opportunity to serve on the Tulsa Police Department’s Community Advisory Board. Josh is prepared to do whatever is asked of him to help improve his beloved City of Tulsa.

Sharyn Cosby

Sharyn Cosby

Apostle Sharyn Cosby serves as founder and senior servant of In the Spirit Ministries. From that ministry, she later founded In the Spirit Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in 2007, Oklahoma Family Empowerment Center in 2012, and In the Spirit Training Institute in 2019. She has over 14 years of hospice experience, serving as a chaplain, bereavement counselor, and ultimately the Director of Pastoral Care and the "We Honor Veterans" Program. Because of her significant record of working with vulnerable populations, Cosby has received awards and recognition from the Oklahoma House of Representatives, State Senate, City of Tulsa Mayor's Office, Oklahoma Department of Corrections, and 100 Black Men, to name a few. She holds the Board Certified Clinical Chaplain designation with the National Association of Veteran Affairs Chaplains, a Master of Divinity Degree from Phillips Theological Seminary (PTS), Tulsa, Oklahoma. She looks to confer a Doctor of Ministry, concentrating on Transformational Leadership in Improvisational Ministry from PTS, May 2022. As an advocate for silenced voices, she has served on various boards and commissions, including; the Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women, Oklahoma Department of Corrections Community Advisory Board, Tulsa Interfaith Alliance, Abba's Family Housing Faith Alliance, the Mayor's Police and Community Coalition and Tulsa Police Department Community Advisory Board, representing the Mingo Valley. Apostle Cosby is a mother and grandmother, who is affectionately called "Nana. " She is a woman of vision and passion, receiving has received numerous awards for her leadership, integrity, and compassion for all, especially the marginalized in the areas of hunger and food scarcity, homelessness, gangs, criminal justice, immigration, and prison reform. For relaxation, she enjoys family, reading, and gardening.

Linda Grant

Linda Grant

Born in Tulsa and raised in rural Oklahoma, Linda Grant has worked in Tulsa as an accounting professional for more than two decades. She returned to the city of her birth as a resident by choice in 2018 when her daughter left for college. In 2020, Linda founded the Tulsa District 5 Community Alliance in response to the increased need for community outreach in her area during COVID-19, and she and other district volunteers have assisted neighbors in a wide variety of ways since, seeing first-hand the benefits of mutual aid among citizens. As a serial volunteer, Linda has partnered with many organizations whose missions align closely with her core values over the years, and currently, when she’s not serving clients and families in her capacity as an End-of-Life Doula, she can be found serving as the Secretary for the Will Rogers Community Foundation and supporting the efforts of Housing Solutions Tulsa and Oklahoma Alliance for Animals. As the member of a multi-generational law enforcement and first responder family, Ms. Grant strongly supports prioritizing the mental health and safety of officers. She views peacekeeping and emergency services as a necessary component of a safe society. Linda is also an outspoken advocate for criminal justice reform, law enforcement accountability, policing policy and culture improvement, and collaborative community empowerment in matters of public safety. Linda lives and works in the Mingo Valley Division area and hopes to use her time on the Community Advisory Board to be a voice for positive change for both law enforcement and civilians.

Albert Alexander Arevalo

Albert Alexander Alveralo

Born in Los Angeles, CA. He has been calling Tulsa home for over twenty years. Currently residing in South Tulsa. Albert currently provides administrative support at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in East Tulsa. Albert moved to Tulsa, OK in 1999 to attend Spartan College of Aeronautics where he received his Private Pilot License, Instrument Rating and a Commercial Pilot License. He’s also an Alum at Oklahoma State University where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in International Business- Business Administration and a minor in Marketing and Management. Albert is actively involved in the community especially in East Tulsa. Collaborating at St. Thomas More Church has given him the opportunity to realize the needs that the community has and has joined efforts with foundations within the city to advocate for those needs to be addressed.

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